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Comments across a range of curriculum areas

These comments are written for a year 4 student, working at curriculum level 2. Notice that comments on reading, writing, and maths are integrated as part of comments in other curriculum areas. This is to illustrate that reading, writing, and mathematics have a multiplier effect on learning in all curriculum areas. 

Information sharing provides appropriate focus, coverage and valid and fair information about students' progress and achievement towards valued learning outcomes across the breadth of the curriculum. Principle 2

The comments in this report show how Georgia is applying her reading, writing, and mathematics knowledge in other curriculum learning areas.

New Zealand Curriculum focus for this period

(What was taught)

Progress and achievement

(What was learnt)

The Arts

  • Music, visual art, dance and drama have their own distinct languages.
  • Communicating ideas through painting.

Georgia increased her learning by reading widely and finding experts online. She is now using lines, textures, colours, and shapes to create the effects she wants in her paintings. She also understands the meaning and significance of some Māori symbols that New Zealand artists like Darcy Nicholas use in their art works. She is using her new knowledge and skills to express her ideas creatively.


Health and PE

  • Taking responsibility for my own well being/hauora and contributing to the well being of those around me.
  • Developing movement skills using tī rākau.

Georgia takes responsibility for keeping herself fit. She loves physical activity and quickly develops skills in most of the sports she attempts. She led a group to show what they had learnt in tī rākau at assembly.

In health, Georgia has learnt about the practices needed to keep everyone safe in the school environment. She used skills she learnt about writing headlines to design guidelines to help other students learn about safe practices.



  • Physical properties include smell, colour, texture, and strength.
  • When substances are mixed together, they usually react or combine in some way and when substances are mixed together, they can change to form new substances.
  • Scientists have systematic ways of working and use specific scientific methods.

Georgia has learnt that scientists test their ideas. She knows how to carry out a simple trial. She learnt to graph her findings using Excel. She also learnt to write a report on her investigation where the paragraphs flow logically from one to the next.


Social sciences

  • Time and change affect peoples lives.
  • People make choices to meet their needs and wants.

Georgia learnt how to conduct an interview so that she could investigate why people value the past. She shared her knowledge about taonga and why people value them by writing an explanation in her class blog. She understands taonga are important because they are associated with whānau and have been passed down through generations.



Ways to:

  • identify and clarify a need
  • explore existing products
  • develop criteria and test materials
  • develop and explore ideas and mock-ups
  • test mock-ups and develop final products.

Georgia identified possibilities for improving the library. She wrote a persuasive text that provided reasons why cushions would be useful in the library. She investigated and tested the properties of materials needed for cushion fillings, drew some patterns and transferred her ideas from two-dimensional drawings to a three-dimensional mock-up. Georgia is excited about testing her mockup and developing the final cushions. Our librarian is looking forward to receiving the cushions!

Key: E = Exceeding curriculum expectations    M = Meeting curriculum expectations   Y = Yet to meet curriculum expectations