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Developing and reviewing information sharing processes


We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.


Effective reporting includes sharing with parents and whānau through both formal written reports and informal reciprocal exchanges of information. This diagram shows the cyclical process of information sharing.  

It shows a range of formal and informal information-sharing processes and actions that are designed to improve student learning, connected to the principles of effective reporting and information sharing. Schools can use this diagram to develop and review their information sharing processes.

The diagram supports Principle 1 of Effective information sharing:

  • Information sharing and reciprocal learning, or ako, underpin all reporting processes. School practices add to family practices and family practices add to school practices.

The Information-sharing diagram template (PowerPoint 2007 124 KB) is available for schools to modify by adding their key information-sharing dates and events in the spaces provided.

Checking in with parents

Checking in with parents, families and whānau is an essential part of the development and review process for information sharing. Find topics to ask your community about to assist in developing your information sharing processes.