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Moderation requires multiple perspectives

Moderation requires multiple perspectives

“Teachers (insiders) view their students’ work holistically drawing on knowledge and input of the student, his/her capabilities, a range of data and impressions from the learning, teaching and assessment relationship. In contrast, another professional (e.g. Senior Teacher or Principal) may be detached from the teaching/learning experiences with that student, and have a different view on a sample of work. Moderation seeks to reconcile different (insider-outsider) perspectives.” (Radnor, 1993).

To what extent do you value a range of perspectives?

Moderation as a complementary process values the knowledge and perspective of the teacher (insider) and other professionals (outsiders). Together, the insider and outsider combine (subjective) caring and deep knowledge of the student and his/her learning, and (objective) levels or standards of student learning and achievement, to reach a sound and defendable judgment.
