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Ideas to improve the consistency of OTJs
Ideas to improve the consistency of OTJs
- Team selects one student’s moderation folder that is ‘at’ the standard to take to whole-school moderation. As an extension, repeat the process only bringing the unresolved ones.
- Record the independent decisions, both pre- and post-moderation, to track consistency of judgments over time.
- Discuss the areas of commonality and differences in OTJ, and the underlying reasoning, and come to agreed understandings.
- Record issues relating to curriculum coverage, student achievement, future improvements to moderation processes and decisions made about the moderation process.
- Consider the use of students’ e-portfolios for moderation.
- Discuss how a new teacher to the school is inducted into the moderation process.
- Consider using the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) which was designed to support teacher judgments in relation to the Curriculum’s National Standards. Go to
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