Further Information |
There are three components to the SEA: Concepts About Print/Ngā Tikanga o te Tuhi Kōrero (parallel forms Sand and Stones), is a task developed by Marie Clay as part of a battery of assessment tasks first published in the 70s. It is a reliable guide to aspects of understanding about "book language" and demonstrates a student’s awareness of print and books (p9, Guide for Teachers). A number of items, not in strict order of difficulty, ranging from indicating the front of a book, through to knowing what specific punctuation marks signify, make up the task’s content. Sand/Stones are untimed, but take between 5 and 10 minutes to administer. Checkout/Rapua: A Shopping Game to Assess Numeracy comprises a series of questions and manipulations embedded in a "game", to reveal a student’s knowledge and understanding of forming sets, numeral recognition, pattern recognition, rote counting, number sequences, simple mental operations, and so on. Minimal language is used in the presentation of the numerous shopping tasks. Checkout may be used to assess an individual or a pair of students simultaneously. The game is untimed; about 10 minutes for one student is typical, 20-25 minutes for two. Tell Me/Körero Mai, provides the teacher with an opportunity to observe and describe language skills. The task enables the student to retell a story, selected from among five written in both English and Mäori, to an audience of peers. Assessment follows a period of familiarisation and is a 2-stage procedure: Collaborative Reading (with the teacher) and Retelling (to an audience). Together, the two steps provide subscores for Comprehension, Sentence Structure, Vocabulary, Organisation, Description/Expression, and Content. |