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Aromatawai – Assessment in te reo Māori


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Kura and Māori-medium settings using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are required to identify and report on the progress and achievement of their year 1–8 students in kōrero, pānui, tuhituhi, and pāngarau and across the curriculum.

The are a limited number of valid and reliable assessment tools and items that teachers in Māori medium can use to inform overall teacher judgement in the assessment process.


Aromatawai and reporting guidance

Cover of Aromatawai and reporting guide

As part of their ongoing support for kura and Māori medium settings, the Ministry developed Aromatawai and reporting guidance for kura and Māori-medium settings.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa | Rukuhia, Rarangahia – Access the guidance material from the TMoA website.

The guidance material uses the principles of Rukuhia Rarangahia to provide a solid foundation to assist kaiako enhance their understanding of ako and the aromatawai approach. This helps kaiako to:

  • assess how well ākonga are learning
  • examine how well the kura is supporting the community’s aspirations.


Assessment resources map – Māori-medium – Pānui, Tuhituhi, Kōrero and Pāngarau

This map shows currently available tools for assessment of learning in te reo Māori.

Word 2007 icon. Assessment Resources Map – Māori-medium – Pānui, Tuhituhi, Kōrero, Pāngarau – March 2017 (Word 2007 40 KB)

Find all the assessment resources maps, Māori and English medium.


Te rārangi rauemi aromatawai ā-motu (Assessment tools for Māori-medium educational settings)

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa | Te rārangi rauemi aromatawai ā-motu – This page comprehensively lists available Māori medium assessment tools.

The list specifies the learning area (Pānui, Tuhituhi, Kōrero or Pāngarau) of each tool and includes information about suitability of tools to year levels and immersion levels.


Using the Māori achieving success as Māori (MASAM) framework at Papakowhai School

Papakowhai School – Using the MASAM

Principal Mark Smith explains how the framework has supported his school’s journey in enabling Māori students to achieve success as Māori. Mark offers advice to other schools wanting to develop the framework to guide their own self review in this school snapshot from the NZ Curriculum Online website.

Papakowhai School is situated in Porirua and caters for students in years 1–8. The roll of 425 includes 57 students who identify as Māori. 


Education for Māori – Using information to improve Māori educational success

Education for Māori – Using information to improve Māori educational success (June 2016) – This report carried out by the Office of the Auditor-General, focuses on the use of information across the education sector to support Māori educational success. Although Māori educational achievement is improving overall, the report finds results for Māori students from roughly similar communities, being educated in roughly similar settings and circumstances, are very different. The report reinforces that schools must collect, analyse, and use information about Māori students to ensure that they are doing everything they can to give Māori students the best chance at a great education.


Assessment tool selector

The Assessment tool selector resource helps teachers and schools select the most appropriate assessment tool to suit their particular purpose. The selector gives information about assessment tools most frequently used in New Zealand schools, in every area of the curriculum up to and including year 10, allows teachers to compare different tools, and advises on whether commonly used assessment tools are available in te reo Māori.


Te aromatawai – NZ Maths

NZMaths | Te Aromatawai – This page lists nzmaths resources and other websites that are relevant to teacher assessment. Each resource is described (in te reo Māori) with a link to the resource itself.


Papakāinga tauaromahi te reo Māori

Exemplars shell te reo Māori.

Access exemplars from the Curriculum Exemplar project of 2002.

These exemplars relate to the curriculum levels and achievement objectives described in the previous New Zealand Curriculum, published in 1994. These, and the progressions of learning described, may not correspond with those described in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


Rukuhia, Rarangahia

Rukuhia, Rarangahia invites us to delve into and seek out the essence and elements of aromatawai to help guide our decision-making about learning and teaching for Māori ākonga in Māori medium contexts. 

This paper, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, presents a Māori medium assessment position. A team of writers and contributors made up of experienced practitioners and leaders with explicit skills, knowledge and expertise of pedagogy, effective teacher practices, mātauranga Māori and aromatawai were invited to participate in a series of hui and wānanga in the development of this paper. Rukuhia, Rarangahia was developed and written using collaborative approaches by Tuteira Pōhatu, Mereana Anderson, Margie Hohepa, Hūrae White, Laura Hawkesworth, Renae Savage, Ella Newbold, Nan Wehipeihana and Frances Goulton, with editorial support from Melissa Brewerton. 

Pēhia ki raro iho nei kia toro atu ki te pepa.

PDF icon. Rukuhia Rarangahia - MoE position paper (PDF 4 MB)
