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Strengthening student progress across the curriculum


We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.


This resource aims to support teachers to deepen their understanding of assessment for learning principles and practices in their classrooms with a particular emphasis on measuring, responding to, and reporting progress and achievement across the curriculum.

Describing progress

When we are asked to describe progress to students and parents we need to consider each student’s achievement and progress and be clear in indicating how this compares with curriculum expectations. We also need to be clear about the next learning steps and how they are shared in clear and precise ways.

Actions and supporting resources

When considering how to best describe progress to your students and their whānau:

  • Record (in a table) what progress information is shared, with whom, when, and how. Compare your decisions with those of other colleagues and discuss. 
  • Create a template for sharing information for learning about progress and achievement with students and their whānau that informs learning (assessment for learning) and builds partnerships.
  • Explore what good practice in building relationships with parents and whānau looks like by reading and discussing these school stories from ERO. 

Planning examples

Developing and reviewing information sharing processes – information sharing template.

Implementing an inclusive curriculum – building on information sharing and inclusive practice. 

School stories

Stonefields School: Mia explains the learning process: A student explains how she learns by building knowledge, making meaning, and applying understanding.

Stonefields School: Our parents know where we are and can help us learn: This video shows how teachers' planning and students' progress are made available to parents online.

The Progress and Consistency tool supports reporting to parents, family and whānau: In this video a previous principal from Kairanga School tells how PaCT is a powerful tool to support reporting to parents.


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