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St Mark's School – Choosing and using the PaCT tool

St Mark’s is a state-integrated, full primary school in Christchurch with a roll of around 200.

The school has concentrated on building a model of inquiry based on learner-focused evaluation processes. They appreciate the opportunity that the removal of National Standards has given them to reconsider their assessment systems and processes. 

Future action

The intention in the future is to implement the use of PaCT across all learning areas (reading, writing and mathematics) when teachers and leaders gain more familiarity with the tool. Leaders have decided not to entirely do away with other forms of assessment, as they like to ensure that their judgments can be supported through other means. These assessments, though, will be infrequent, carefully planned within teaching teams, and used for corroboration purposes. The main tool to support their focus on assessment for learning will be the PaCT tool.