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School stories


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These stories describe how teachers are using assessment for learning practices to improve learning outcomes for students in their schools.

Digital technologies for assessment and learning

Read stories about how digital technologies are being used to support student learning and to assist with data gathering for assessment.


Pasifika Education Community – Assessment and e-learning
An Auckland Girls Grammar School Samoan language teacher explains how she combines e-learning tools in her assessments to allow her students to achieve to their potential through the use of YouTube channels to film oral language assessments. 

Enabling e-Learning

Improving student writing with digital stories
A teacher from Kimi Ora Community School, Hastings shares how they used digital stories to scaffold the writing process. The success of this approach was reflected in their AsTTle writing data showing students making a year's progress in two terms.

Reinforcing maths concepts using Google Forms
Students at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland improved their problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge through the use of Google Forms.

Supporting formative assessment using SurveyMonkey
Students used software to support in mathematics.

Presenting information for assessment using VoiceThread
Students at Ashburton Netherby School used ICT technologies to share aspects of their learning.

Enhancing self assessment and parent involvement using ScreenCast
St Mary’s Catholic School in Tauranga trialled a system of online reporting that supported student self-assessment, and increased parents’ understanding and involvement in formative assessment.

More on e-Learning tools and assessment.

Enabling e-Learning – Assessment
Find information, stories, and resources, on how technologies can be used to monitor, review, and evaluate the impact of teaching on student achievement in ways that reflect our bi-cultural heritage.

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