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Assessment Details

PIPS (Performance Indicators in Primary Schools)
Assessment Area Cross-curricular
Year level 0-1
NZ origin? No , originally from the United Kingdom.
Standardised? Yes , every second year.
Administration to individual or group? Individual , pupils work one-to-one with a teacher on a computer using PIPS software.
What does it assess? Assesses the relative progress of a new entrant over their first 12 months at school in reading, mathematics and phonics.
Purpose To assess the progress of new entrant pupils relative to national norms.
Validity The manual details evidence of test item validity.
Reliability There is good evidence of test/retest reliability. A web link for reliability statistics from CEM UK is available under Further Information at the bottom of this page.
What measures does it give? Beginning assessment produces standardised results. Final reports include a standardised value added progress score and a record of personal and social development for each child.
How long does it take to administer? 15 - 20 minutes
How much training is needed? Information is supplied with the software.
Scoring and data analysis Scoring and analysis is done by CEM (NZ).
Does it provide 'what next' strategies? Yes , written information is available.
Is it available in te reo Maori? No
Cost? There is a sliding scale dependent on the number of students to be tested. See the CEM (NZ) website for details: www.cem.canterbury.ac.nz
Author, date of publication and publisher Professor Peter Tymms, CEM, Univeristy of Durham (1992)

 Available from the CEM (Curriculum, Evaluation and Management) Centre at the University of Canterbury.

Further Information

The first assessment is conducted within the first two weeks of the new entrant beginning school. The final assessment is done on that same child 12 months later. The software is interactive and the teacher or teacher aide controls the computer mouse.

View reliability statistics from CEM UK.