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PAT reports

The PAT calculates student achievement on a scale score. This means that items within the test are given a score depending on their level of difficulty. The raw score is ‘scaled’ up or down depending on item difficulty and this is used to calculate achievement.

For more information on PAT, go to the PAT pages on the NZCER website.

PAT Mathematics – Individual Report

What does the individual report tell us?

John’s scale score puts him on the cusp of stanine 4 and 5. His score is just below the national average.

  • Strengths: Geometry and measurement – he has most of the higher order questions correct.
  • Gaps: Number knowledge – he has two easy questions answered wrongly. This needs to be to be investigated as it may indicate a knowledge gap.

What next?

Concentrate on number strategies to improve John’s overall performance.


PAT Reading Comprehension – Group Report

What does the box and whisker report tell us?

Reading the graph in conjunction with the key at the top of the page reveals the following:

  • The mean scale score and stanine for this group of 43 year 8 students is above the national mean.
  • Almost 75% of the students scored above the national mean.
  • The scores for this group of student have a low standard deviation, meaning that the spread of scores is not large.
  • The lowest score is considerably higher than the national, although the highest score is also lower than the national.

Areas for investigation

  • The data would need to disaggregated, at least by ethnicity and gender, and possibly by class, to set any meaningful goals.
  • Check the alignment of assessment tools with National Standards. How does an average about 5 points above the national mean stack up against the National Standard in reading?

Possible goal

To investigate how to raise the top achievement levels for this above average group of students.
