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Reports from schoolmaster

PAT Listening Comprehension scores compared with national norms

PAT - Age stanine scores

What does the data show?

  • Results for 14% of the students are in Stanine 1, compared with the national norm of 4%.
  • Results for 21% of the students are in Stanine 9, compared with the national norm of 4%.
  • Percentages of students in Stanines 3 and 7 (7%) are lower than the national norm (12%).

Area for investigation

The data will need to be further investigated to determine the reason for the high number of students in both the top and the bottom stanine. Improvement for the students in Stanine 1 should be targeted.

Schoolmaster: Running record results by class and reading age

Reading age reports

What does the data show?

  • Of this class of 23 students, 14 have a reading age at or above expectations for year 3 students.
  • 9 students have a recorded reading age below expectation for year 3 students.
  • 4 students have a recorded reading age of at least four years above expectations.

Areas for investigation

  • Where students are recording reading ages so far above their age group expectations, it will be worthwhile to investigate the validity of the assessment, or the capability of staff in taking running records. A senior manager will want to ensure the accuracy of the data.

This should be carried out before any goal setting on the basis of results is done.
