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Assessment Details

Me and my school
Assessment Area Student engagement
Year level 7-10
NZ origin? Yes
Standardised? Yes , norms established between beginning of July and end of October 2007.
Administration to individual or group? Group completion. Self-reported and anonymous.
What does it assess? Student engagement within three areas: behavioural, emotional and cognitive.
Purpose To provide an assessment tool which is designed to give schools robust and systematic information about student engagement. There are statistically significant relationships between student engagement and a number of educational and social outcomes.
Validity There is evidence of survey item validity.
Reliability Not applicable.
What measures does it give? Scale scores that locate the students on a described engagement continuum, and compare against national norms.
How long does it take to administer? Can be completed on paper or online. No information is available on timing.
How much training is needed? Administration is straightforward. Information packs are sent to teachers.
Scoring and data analysis On-paper surveys go into envelopes which are sealed and sent to NZCER. Online responses go direct to NZCER. Responses are processed and reports sent back to the school.
Does it provide 'what next' strategies? No
Is it available in te reo Maori? No
Cost? Costs vary. Details are available from NZCER.
Author, date of publication and publisher Written and published by NZCER, 2008

 Available for testing between July and September annually. Contact NZCER for details.

Further Information

 Researchers often describe three aspects of student engagement. The first is behaviour, and the students’ actual participation in school and learning. This includes positive conduct, persistence, and involvement in school life. The second aspect is students’ emotional responses to teachers, peers, learning, and school. The third is cognitive: the psychological investment students have in their own learning. This includes their willingness to take on learning challenges and self-regulate their learning. All three aspects are associated with the key competencies in the new curriculum, which put considerable emphasis on students having the disposition to learn, to participate, and to relate to others, as well as the inclination to manage themselves and their learning.

 Me and My School explores these three aspects of engagement, with a particular focus on the emotional and cognitive aspects, through a series of 36 questions.